Steven Tyler Hopes To Walk This Way Soon

Steve Tyler, the lead singer of Aerosmith was showing his age the other night when he fell off the stage while doing his little dance during a performance at the”Buffalo Chip Campground and Trailer Park” – What the hell did I just type? A campground? My how things change. How do you go from playing the Superbowl to a campground?

The 61 year old front man was air lifted to hospital after suffering minor head, neck and shoulder injuries after falling off a catwalk of the stage onto some fans. Back in the day that was called crowd surfing but at 61, that’s just falling into a crowd. The clapper can’t be too far behind at this point.

One thought to “Steven Tyler Hopes To Walk This Way Soon”

  1. Steven Tyler remains one of the best lead singers in music. I saw his fall on youtube and hope that he makes a speedy recovery. I look forward to seeing them in concert again soon!

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