Happy Retro Mother’s Day !!

If you happen to have forgotten mother’s day, which is is today, don’t be surprised if the looks your getting from mama look something like this.

And rightly so. After all, regardless of what you think of your mother, remember one thing – she grew a human being inside her body. Let me say that again – she grew a human being (or possibly a few) in her body. For that alone you have to respect her. She sacrificed her body, time and energy and smothered you with unconditional love to make you the person you are today and you couldn’t take the time to drop by a Hallmark store? Mr T pities the fool that doesn’t respect his mom. 

I’m still lucky to have my mom in my life and it amazes me that even at her age she seems to have more energy than I do and still manages to keep smiling even with all the aches and pain that come with getting older. What’s the secret ? How does she do it ?

Many have entertained the Supermom theory and that would certainly explain a lot however a more plausible theory on how mom is able to do all that she does and still keep on smiling would be……..

Still, however it is they are able to do what they do and still keep on smiling, more power to them. For most of us, your mom was and possibly still is your rock that was there every time you had a bad day, or made a dumb mistake or just had a case of the blahs. One hug from her or a finely crafted bowl of soup and you felt better – that’s the true magic of motherhood and that’s what we celebrate. 

Here’s to all the mothers out there. Hope someone spoils you rotten…….. in a retro way (sorry – had to slip that in)


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