Retro Gaming Console History Link

If you’ve ever argued with a friend about what gaming console came out first, the Atari 2600, the Odyssey 200 or the Intellivision, you’re either a true hardcore gamer or have waaaaaaaaay too much time on your hands.

Either way, no need to argue any longer. Click the pic of the bitchin’ PacMan ring to see the definitive collection of all gaming consoles from the original Odyssey to the Nintendo Wii. Click the console of your choice for a quick overview and details.

Amazing how far we’ve come. Hard to believe there was a time when you had to tape color foils over your black and white TV to get a color burst to add more excitement while you played your games leaving gummy residue all over the screen which all parents loved. Now, all you have to do is reach for your phone to play in full color with people from around the world.

You young’uns have all the neat toys.

Furniture Inspired by Vintage Video Games

If you grew up in the 60s and 70s, and you wanted to build furniture inspired by you’re favorite games, chances are you’d have to settle for a Scrabble couch with a matching love seat. If you grew up in the 80s and 90s, you’d have a whole new set of games to get inspiration from because chances are, you were a gamer.

So when you finally had enough to build your dream house, you considered your options and looked at different plans and eventually settled on a design you could really relate to – a house shaped like an NES gaming console.

So now you move in and arrange all your nic-naks neatly on your Tetris shelves but still it’s not enough. Sure, you have Atari coat hangers but honesty, you’ll never be comfortable without more furniture. Lucky for you, there are many more pieces of furniture that will fit well in your decor and match the shelves and hangers. Click the hanger below to see more video game inspired furniture. You know you want them.