Retro Video of the Day – Don’t Forget Me When I’m Gone

In keeping with the whole Tiger’s Wood theme (I mean Tiger Woods), let’s go back and visit a Canadian tiger from back in the 80s.

Glass Tiger’s breakout hit from 1986, “Don’t Forget Me When I’m Gone” featured Bryan Adams doing some backup work many classic hallmarks of cheesy 80’s videos. Big hair – check, pastels and shoulder pads – check, gimmicky sets – check, children pretending to play instruments – check, loose story line featuring other children – check?!?! Not sure what the connection with the kids would be but…. there you go.

The song went number one in Canada (naturally) and number 2 in the U.S. (surprisingly) and also charted pretty good in many other countries as well. The band originally called themselves Tokyo which confused some so they changed their name to Glass Tiger and succeeded in confusing everyone else.

This song is pretty much Elin Woods anthem at the moment.

For an unrelated Tiger experience, click the picture below to play the Tiger Woods Outrun flash game. Hope all those girls were worth it Tiger – somehow, I doubt it.

New American Gothic – Tiger Style

Truly one of the most iconic American artistic images is American Gothic painted by Grant Wood from 1930. The pitch fork represented hard labour while the flowers over the right shoulder of the woman symbolised domesticity.

That image will soon be replaced by the image below. The iron symbolises one man’s path to greatness, fame and fortune and the implement that also brought him the beating of his life. The beaten Tiger symbolizes the wrath of a woman scorned.
Q: What’s the difference between a car and a golf ball?
A: Tiger Woods can drive a golf ball 400 yards.
(Sorry – couldn’t resist!)