When Weiners Were Hot Dogs

It kind of sucks when things you grew up with and liked or possibly loved get twisted into something different and are forever tied to some stupid act or worse a really really really really dumb guy. When I was a kid, Oscar Mayer was synonymous with delicious hot dogs or bologna. A wiener was something you looked forward to at a ballgame or a cookout. Now, when someone says wiener, you immediately think of:

Oh sorry, that’s a picture of a twit not a wiener…….. or is it both……. hmmmm, so confused now. Honestly though, who could have seen it coming. Anthony Weiner always looked so confident, so professional and well adjusted. A man of power and resolve. Why would there be any reason after enjoying moderate political success that he’d crave and need the admiration of young women to feel powerful and accomplished? I’m sure as a young lad he got his ya ya’s out so that as an adult he could keep his libido in check. After all the action he must have got in high school and college he’d surely be able to keep his wiener in his pants right ?

   Oh snap………. never mind.