You Know You’re a Retro Gamer If…………

There are some that remain in denial regarding their addiction to retro video games. Even though today’s modern games are visually more stunning, more realistic in game play, have award winning soundtracks and possess the ability to suck your brain right out of your melon, there is something about the simple classic games from the golden age of video games that keep you coming back for more.

There are some that prefer the older games over the new ones due to their simplicity and the fact it takes them back and reminds them of simpler times when you fed quarters into a machine in a dingy, smokey arcade rather than save your quarters to finally drop $300 to $500 on gaming consoles. Who are these people? How can you spot them? Look for the following clues. In other words, you might be a retro arcade game junkie if you own……….

Space Invader Ice Cube Trays

No regular ice cubes will do to keep your drinks cool when you’re blasting away aliens coming at you or chasing down blue ghosts.

PlayStation 2 Controller Soap Bars
After working up a sweat playing your favorite games, what better way to wipe the retro grime off your body than with soap shaped like PS2 game pads and consoles? Comes in all your favorite colors.

Pac Man Oven Mitts
The cool thing about these oven mitts is that you can actually make the “Num num num num” cookie monster sound while using them which is waaaaay easier than faking the actual sound that Pac Man made while chasing the crack dots around the maze.

Space Invader Cuff Links
Nothing says impeccable style and uber geek at the same time like a set of cuff links shaped like the monster meanies from Space Invaders.

Pac Man Ghost iPod Speaker
Bored of the plain vanilla look of Apple iPod speaker docking stations? Show your retro sense of adventure with a speaker shaped like a ghost meanie from Pac Man. Available in standard Pac Man meanie colors including the cool blue.

Let’s face it – even though these things are kind of geeky, your girlfriend will think it’s cute right up until she moves in with you and then they will join your beat up comfy couch at the curb on the very next garbage day. Regardless though, you want them……….you really want them.

Retro Ad of the Day – Apple Macintosh

No matter what side of the fence you’re on in the PC /Apple battle, one thing you have to admit is that both Apple and Microsoft have always been great marketing rivals with campaigns being fought in battles of epic proportions matched only by the cola wars between Coke and Pepsi and possibly Spud McKenzie for Budweiser and Alex from Strohs……but I digress.

Back in 1984 when Apple launched their new Macintosh during the Superbowl, they hit the ground running with a commercial that took advantage of the whole George Orwell “1984” Big Brother controls you, you need to break free shtick along with a dose of healthy female athlete running without a sports bra angle. Well played Apple…….. well played.

The commercial served notice that they would be a force to be reckoned with in the years to come and the battle still wages on. Frankly I could care less and still do the PC thing and respect those that choose the Apple way of life. Wish I could say the same about Apple users though – lighten up already. I’m not ready to be converted so move on already. Life’s too short – don’t worry, be happy. Can’t we all just get along?

Bonus Video !! Wonder if Bill Gates wishes he could take these words back!

Retro Video of the Day – So Long

There are many songs (and groups for that matter) from the 80s that may have flew under the radar in North America while enjoying decent success in other countries. Fischer-Z was one of those groups and “So Long” was one of those songs.

Fischer-Z was formed in 1979 in Britain and released nine albums until their split in 2002. The founder and lead singer, John Watts went on to do some solo stuff but never reached the same level of success he did with Fischer-Z.

Though they had some hits in the U.K., Portugal, Belgium and Germany, their biggest success was in Australia with a couple of top 20 hits including the song “So Long”. It was this success that has confused some to thinking they were actually an Australian band.

The video below for “So Long” featured some classic 80s video standards like bad lip syncing, misty atmospheric vibe, a cheap Humphrey Bogart look-a-like, and cheesy interpretation of the story line. Having said that – that’s what made the videos from the 80s so memorable.

One other interesting note – John Watts lyrics were heavily influenced from his experiences as a mental health care worker. Kind of explains the pain you feel in the lyrics when you listen to this one. Seriously under-rated track from way back.

The Way They Was (Part 2)

Continuing where we left off from Part 1, lets continue our look at how some celebrities looked when they were younger. In some cases you can see they’ve aged gracefully, others – not so much. You can also tell which have a team of plastic surgeons on their payrolls. I’ll leave it up to you to determine which group each star falls into.

As I mentioned in my original post, if you invest thousands of dollars on cosmetic surgery, work out all day and have an army of personal trainers and private chefs cooking succulent, low carb meals – you better be tight abbed, ripped with buns of steel, a perfect complexion, perky breasts that can repel shrapnel and flowing, shiny hair that can cause rainbows to spontaneously appear when you walk into a room………….. just sayin’.
Nicole Kidman
What goes better with pasty white skin than red curly hair? How about a tan? She’s obviously very pretty but get out in the sun once in a while – it won’t kill you. It’s not like it gives you cancer……….oh wait – nevermind.
Sara Jessica Parker
Ok seriously, has this girl ever looked good? How does she snag all the beauty product endorsements? How does she continue to get roles? How does she not get hunted down by zombie fearing citizens? I’m not saying I’m God’s gift to the opposite sex, but I’m pretty damn sure if I put on a dress and shaved my head I’d still be getting hit on more than her. Not that I’d really want to test that theory, but you get the point.
Kiefer Sutherland
One thing is certain, Kiefer knew how to rock the 70s porno stache back in the day. Jack Bauer would probably have killed porno stached Kiefer if he ever ran into him since he looks kind of suspicious and creepy, but then again that’s more than enough for Jack to go all Rambo on you.
Kylie Minogue
Kylie certainly looks a lot different than she did in 1987. Looking at her, it seems pretty obvious where Pete Burns from Dead or Alive gets his inspiration from when he sees his plastic surgeon. Too bad his doctor sucks in a fierce way.
George Michael
Before Georgie Boy was getting caught in men’s rooms doing naughty things with undercover cops, George Michael made all the ladies scream as one half of Wham! Safe to say that George, like his music, is looking (and sounding) better with age.

Retro Vibe Ad of the Day – Cadbury Dairy Milk

There is no no doubt that many of the creative people behind many of the ads we see and hear on TV and radio today are Retro kids from the 70s and 80s. You don’t have to go too far for proof.

Today’s example, the Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate TV ad featuring the electro funk classic, “Don’t Stop The Rock” from Freestyle. I think it’s a good ad since it resonates with me because of the music and it’s goofy enough that you’ll be talking about it but it took me a few views to finally remember what product the ad was actually about. Not so good as far as advertising goes.

Still – how many of you forgot about this song until you saw it on the Cadbury ad? Retro lives!!

Retro Video of the Day – Tenderness

One of the good things that came out of the break up of Ska wonderkids “The English Beat” in 1983 was the formation of “General Public” by two of the former members. Although originally made up of former members of The Clash, The Specials and Dexy’s Midnight Runners, in the end it was only Dave Wakeling and Ranking Roger that endured.

Their biggest hit was Tenderness off their first album from 1984, “All The Rage”. It managed to reach #11 in Canada and #27 in the U.S. Although they managed a few more hits over the years, including songs on some well known 80s movies like Weird Science and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, they never matched the same success. Dave still tours as the English Beat and plays General Public tracks but ol’ Roger called it quits for good.

Useless Retro Link of the Day – Instant Bueller

Have you ever had one of those moments while working in your cubicle or studying for an upcoming test when a friend or co-worker asks you something so stupid that all you can do is simply stare almost stupdified that they even thought of asking you such a messed up question? Ever wished there was a perfect sound bite for just such a moment?

Well – wish no more. Click the pic below of the clueless teacher (played by the ever awesome Ben Stein) for the link to the perfect soundtrack to this stunned moment.

R.I.P. Patrick Swayze (1952-2009)

I’ve only been writing this blog a couple of months and I can’t believe how my memorial posts I’ve had to write for some rather iconic 80s type figures. The latest to the list is Patrick Swayze who sadly lost his battle with pancreatic cancer the other day. Hell of a way to go. You have to admire the fact that he kept right on working right to the end and had a current show on A&E that was doing fairly well.

Whether you liked him or not, his body of work was pretty large and he was an accomplished dancer and released some music as well. He’s mainly known by many for his roles in Ghost and Dirty Dancing (which let’s face it, wasn’t dirty at all in retrospect…….I’ve seen worse during Sunday mass, but I digress) along with some of his earlier work on The Outsiders, Red Dawn and Young Blood which helped earned him a membership in good standing of the Brat Pack back in the 80s.

As a tribute, here are some examples of Patrick doing what he does which you may not have seen before.

Retro Video of the Day – Just an Illusion

In keeping with the whole Beatles buzz this week due to the release of their remastered CDs and video game, today’s video is from a group whose name was inspired by John Lennon’s Imagine. Imagination was a British trio from the early 80s that delivered some pretty cool R&B mostly while dressed in really retro gladiator style outfits. I’m not kidding.

Their songs charted in 28 countries and they produced three platinum records, nine gold and a dozen silver ones all in the span of three years. Not bad considering many people in North America never even heard of them. “Just an Illusion” was their highest ranked U.S. single at 27 even though it reached #2 in a few countries including the U.K.